日韓聖公会が共同宣言 「和解の務め果たすため平和の使命を」 2019年8月15日












大韓聖公会議長主教 モーセ 兪樂濬(ユ・ナクジュン)
日本聖公会首座主教 ナタナエル 植松 誠

2019 “August 15th ACK-NSKK Joint Statement”

-As a Northeast Asian Christian who produces “peace of Christ”-

“The people who realize peace are fortunate, who are called the children of God.” (Matthew 5: 9)

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

August 15 this year is 74 years after the end of World War II.Korea commemorates the day it regained its lost country and is working for peace on the Korean peninsula. Japan has been remembering this day as the end of the war, enacting the peace constitution, and trying not to fall into the temptation of militarism again.

The Anglican Church of Korea and Japan are continuing to talk about how they will overcome pain, sorrow, anger and distrust that has continued over the past war and Japanese colonial rule through 35 years of exchange programs. We are also cooperating with the goal of peace and mutual cooperation on the Korean peninsula, and a peaceful future for East Asia. In particular, the young people of the Korean Anglican Church have been building true friendship relations through 25 years of exchanges and efforts to overcome prejudice and mutual understanding of culture. In addition, many clergy members from Korean Anglican Church are presenting ministry and ministry within the Nippon Sei ko kai.

However, there are serious problems in the relationship between the two countries that brokes the trust and exchange that the two Anglican churches has built up. Most of them started with the policies related to the politics, economy and security of the two governments. However, since Japan’s recent export control on Korea are becoming increasingly tense between the two countries.

Such deteriorating relations between Korea and Japan brings great sorrow and anger to the Korean peninsula, Northeast Asia, and the world.

Our two churches hope that this kind of conflict will be resolved by the leadership with a correct historical awareness.

In commemoration of the 74th anniversary of August 15, the Korean-Japanese Anglican Church,which is making the peace of Christ, promises to faithfully fulfill the mission of peace given to the Lord by prayer and solidarity to fulfill the mission of reconciliation received from the Lord.

The Rt. Rev. Moses Nagjun Yoo
Primate of the Anglican Church of Korea
The Rt. Rev. Nathaniel Makoto Uematsu
Primate of the Nippon Seikokai



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